Take Action
Once the initial infrastructure is set up by our organization, we are providing ways for all Americans to participate, regardless of means or physical ability. Through our collective participation we will remember our fellowship, reclaim our power, and change this country into one that is rooted in the interests of the people. Below are all the different ways each person can contribute.
Help Us Get the Ball Rolling

1. Real Farm Directory
Public Awareness & Online Presence
An updated, comprehensive online directory of all real farms across America including location, contact, availability and seasonal harvest calendars. An user-friendly and free website for all people to discover their local real farmers and find out when events, concerts or classes are being held at each location.
2. Pick Your Farmer
Choose How Your Contribution Will Be Spent
Many real farmers cannot afford the materials to build basic infrastructure like electric lines for barn lights, or the required expensive equipment to expand their operation. In the Real Farmer Profiles, the farmer writes about what project or reasons funding will be going towards. Once the financial goal is met, each contributor will receive a 'password' for a free, future event or experience on that farm, as well as an account written by farmer of the project's completion. Donations over $100 will receive a complementary T-Shirt stating 'I Support ___ Farm' showing the farm, ranch or food producer you have contributed to.

3. Lend A Hand
Share Skills, Knowledge and Labor
Do you want to try something new for a weekend? Or maybe retirement is getting a bit boring? Look for the 'Hands' Icon next to a farmer's profile and see if you might be able to help (as well as learn how to) raise a barn, dig a trench, or harvest squash! This is a wonderful way for skilled tradesmen, project managers, and engineers to truly contribute in a positive way and be appreciated. Those with business, marketing and 'an eye for design' are needed as well!
4. Farm-Restaurant Network
Larger Sales Distribution Channels
One real farm can't provide the needs of one restaurant year-round, but ten real farms can provide a portion of high-quality, delicious food that be used for a local restaurant to create truly unique and flavorful meals.

5. FarmBNB
A Taste of America
Nobody wants to surround themselves with agricultural toxic chemicals, but it's hard to know which farms are safe when Corporate America has taken over a lot of the labels ('organic') and vocabulary ('natural'). Take a vacation or spend a night in a healthy environment that you can trust, and leave with fabulous food!